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2025-02-10 10:50:21 
 Public Support
 ST 4.0.319 Crashes RAD Studio 10.2 IDE when building 64bit?
Total posts: 7
 Author ST 4.0.319 Crashes RAD Studio 10.2 IDE when building 64bit?
Wuping Xin

2017-07-14 00:38:41
Registered user
When I built the package for RAD Studio 10.2, x64 bit,  when I click "Build",  the IDE always says there is some access violation in rtl, then it crashes.

This doesn't happen when building 32bit package.

Anyone has encountered the same situation?
Wuping Xin

2017-07-14 00:42:43
Registered user
Here is the build output:

Checking project dependencies...
[Fatal Error] Access violation at address 5005F8A8 in module 'rtl250.bpl'. Read of address 3554EA1C
Henrick Wibell Hellström

2017-07-14 00:58:05
Registered user
The IDE is a Win32 application, so trying to install Win64 packages will certainly cause it to crash.

You MUST NOT attempt to compile the dpk files for anything but Win32. It is not designed to work.

If you want to test Win64 compatibility, try the demo projects or your own projects.
Wuping Xin

2017-07-14 02:00:49
Registered user
Actually I was not trying to install.  I was just trying to generate the x64 .dcu files by "build" the StrSecIV250.bpl,  like building a run time package for x64.

For some reason  After I "Clean",  the package was built successfully (all x64 dcu generated).
Henrick Wibell Hellström

2017-07-14 07:43:44
Registered user
Building a package that has already been installed, will cause it to go through a uninstall/install sequence. This is not specific to our packages, but will happen with any design time package you handle the same way.
Wuping Xin

2017-07-14 15:54:09
Registered user
I see. Thank you for the heads up.
Wuping Xin

2017-07-14 17:36:27
Registered user
Now I see the reason.  Package StrSecIV250.dpk is actually also a Design Package that includes 3 visual components.  I mistakenly assumed it is a pure runtime package (hence can build for both x86 and x64). No wonder the IDE behaves bizarrely before crashing when BUILDING this package.

Now I can sleep.

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