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 Public Support
 Using ST 2.3/ST 4.0 for RTC SDK HTTPS
Total posts: 1
 Author Using ST 2.3/ST 4.0 for RTC SDK HTTPS
Henrick Wibell Hellström

2017-07-13 07:52:00
Registered user
The integration packages, integration units and samples and demos, are all distributed with RTC SDK. The integration can be done either using design time components, or using run time code.

- To install the design time components, firstly install RTC SDK and ST 2.3/ST 4.0 normally.
- Look in the LibPlugin folder of RTC SDK. Here you will find a package rtcSDK_SSec.dpk for ST 2.3 integration, and rtcSDK_STMT.dpk for ST 4.0 integration. Beware that RTC SDK might optionally come in a x2 or x3 flavor and that there are corresponding packages for these.
- There isn't however packages for each Delphi version, which will present you with a problem if you have installed the Delphi version specific ST package according to instructions. You have to edit the rtcSDK_SSec.dpk/rtcSDK_STMT.dpk to ensure the correct StreamSec package is required by the integration package.
- When using rtcSDK_STMT.dpk for ST 4.0 integration, you will also have to define ST40 in the project options of the package. This is obvious if you take a look at the rtcSTMTPlugin unit.

- To learn how to use the run time integration unit, simply open any of the RTC SDK demos that feature HTTP connections. One of the first lines in the main unit of the demo project will be {.$DEFINE StreamSecII}, and then a few lines down you will find the unit rtcSSecTest being used if StreamSecII is defined, and even further down, there is run time code that takes care of loading the application certificates and setting the project specific options, if StreamSecII is defined.
- Note: When using ST 4.0, you will have to define both StreamSecII and ST40.

:: Written with and Powered by the RealThinClient SDK and StreamSec Tools 4.0::
Copyright (c) Danijel Tkalcec, StreamSec HB