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2025-02-10 09:57:33 
 Public Support
 RijndaelDcrRound.inc not found in version StreamSec_Tools_4.0.1.329
Total posts: 2
 Author RijndaelDcrRound.inc not found in version StreamSec_Tools_4.0.1.329
Michiel Oele

2020-06-04 16:09:11
Registered user
After unpacking the  data and building a simple program with TstRSAKey,  the file RijndaelDcrRound.inc was not found in RijndaelDrcBG.inc.
Henrick Wibell Hellström

2020-06-04 21:49:06
Registered user
Thank you for your report. To fix, please change the uses clauses, to remove stRijndaelBG and add stAES instead.

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