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 Public Support
 PKCS8-Encrypted-DSS works but PKCS8-Encrypted-PEM-DSS fail
Total posts: 2
 Author PKCS8-Encrypted-DSS works but PKCS8-Encrypted-PEM-DSS fail
Chee Yang Chau

2018-04-26 10:41:00
Registered user
I use TstDSSKey to generate a key pair.  I can save the private key to both format: PKCS8-Encrypted-DSS and PKCS8-Encrypted-PEM-DSS.

However, when I try to load the private key in format PKCS8-Encrypted-PEM-DSS, it fail:

var K: iDLPrivateKey;
    F: tDSIDLPrivateKeyFormatList;
    P: iSecretKey;
    S: TStream;
  S := TFileStream.Create('c:\key.txt', fmOpenRead);
  F := tDSIDLPrivateKeyFormatList.Create(nil);
    F.SelectedOptionNames := 'PKCS8-Encrypted-PEM-DSS';
    P := tSecretKey.CreateStr(PAnsiChar('password'));
    Result := Assigned(F.LoadFromStream(P, S, K));

Reading from key of format PKCS8-Encrypted-DSS works fine.
Henrick Wibell Hellström

2018-04-26 16:15:58
Registered user
Thank you for the report. I will look into it.

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