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2025-02-10 09:37:27 
 Public Support
 rtc with client android and ios
Total posts: 2
 Author rtc with client android and ios
megat kurniawan

2019-08-20 10:56:07
Registered user
hi everybody,

anyone have sample or demo how to using StreamSec with Realthinclient SDK running on Android and Ios.

Henrick Wibell Hellström

2019-08-21 01:52:45
Registered user
Have you seen the post https://support.streamsec.net/forum/?cmd=viewtopic&topic_id=7&section_id=3 Using ST 2.3/ST 4.0 for RTC SDK HTTPS? You are generally supposed to use the examples provided with RTC SDK.

:: Written with and Powered by the RealThinClient SDK and StreamSec Tools 4.0::
Copyright (c) Danijel Tkalcec, StreamSec HB