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2025-02-10 10:30:31 
 Public Support
 Unable to compile stPkixSigned
Total posts: 2
 Author Unable to compile stPkixSigned
Chris Senior

2019-06-27 15:05:27
Registered user
I have some code that directly or indirectly references stPkixSigned.pas.

When I try to compile this source file (Delphi Rio 10.3 on Windows 32 target) I get compiler errors relating to this section of code (starting line 611):

lLen := aDSAKey.Pool.SSASignatureGeneration(aDSAKey,

It seems that the SSASignatureGeneration method expects TBytes as the second parameter; but the lMS.Memory (via tSecureMemoryStream.Memory) is of type Pointer.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is stPkixSigned no longer supported?

Many thanks for any help you can provide!
Henrick Wibell Hellström

2019-06-27 15:25:47
Registered user
Correct, unit stPkixSigned has been deprecated, use StreamSec.DSI.PkixSigned instead.

There is a long list of units that previously had the "st" or "stMP" prefix, which should be replaced by units with the "StreamSec.DSI." prefix. This applies to those units that in some way depended on the stMPArith unit, and now instead depends on the StreamSec.DSI.Arith unit.

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